Under the event slogan “Water for smart liveable cities”, more than 2,000 experts from more than 100 countries met to discuss current global trends and challenges in the water sector and to present the latest technologies and developments in the water and wastewater sector. At the accompanying trade fair, more than 300 exhibitors presented their solutions for clean water.
All topics were dominated by the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal No. 6 “Clean Water and Sanitation” and its achievement by 2030. This includes, for example, the urgent need for action to secure drinking water supplies in view of climate change.
In numerous parallel sessions and workshops, the individual topics were intensively discussed scientifically. Our colleague Dr. Bahr presented the latest findings on the topic of “Vanadium removal from drinking water” to the international audience in his technical lecture and used practical data to illustrate the effectiveness of our GEH® adsorption granulate for this area of application. The toxic metal vanadium occurs naturally in the soil and is often found in volcanic regions. Through weathering processes, it gets out of the rock into the groundwater and can impair its use as drinking water. Adsorption filters with GEH® enable the safe removal of vanadium from water and thus provide an effective solution for affected water suppliers.
In addition to the many presentations and panel discussions, there was, of course, plenty of time for personal talks to find out about current research topics and to exchange experiences.
We look forward to seeing you again in August 2024 at the next edition of the World Water Congress, which will be held in Toronto, Canada.